Discover what is holding you back from the success and the happiness you deserve!

Habitual Negative thought patterns in your mind are constantly sabotaging your potential for both performance and happiness.

Do you ever find your self thinking?

  • Why can’t I keep my new year’s resolutions?

  • Why do my self-improvement initiatives fizzle out?

  • Why am I not achieving my potential?

  • How do I manage conflicts in my relationships?

  • Why am I often stressed and burned out?

  • Why do my relationships cause me distress instead of joy?

  • Why do I often feel anxiety and restlessness?

  • How do I overcome self-doubts and feel confident?

  • How do I achieve lasting peace and happiness?

Your mind can be your BEST FRIEND or your WORST ENEMY

To illustrate - when your mind tells you that you should do your very best to prepare for tomorrow’s important meeting, it is acting as your friend. When it wakes you up in the middle of the night for the fifteenth time – anxious worrying about the meeting and conjuring up the many consequences of failing, it is acting as your enemy.

Your mind is simply generating anxiety, worry, stress and suffering without adding any value. No friend would do that.

Our minds have a set of automatic and habitual mind patterns that work against your best interest. We call these internal enemies saboteurs. Why? Because they sabotage your performance, wellbeing, and relationships. Your "Saboteurs" also cause all your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, frustration, regret, shame, guilt, and unhappiness.

Undetected “Saboteurs” in your mind cause most of your setbacks without your full awareness. The consequences are huge. Only 20 percent of individuals and teams achieve their true potential. The rest of us waste a lot of our time and vital energy spinning our wheels but going nowhere.

Based on the New York Times best-selling Book

Which Saboteurs are holding YOU back?

Saboteurs are the habitual negative thought patterns in your head that generate stress and negative emotions and sabotage your potential for both happiness and performance.

Take the FREE saboteur assessment to find out which saboteurs are holding you back from the success and happiness you deserve. Based on the New York Times bestselling book "Positive Intelligence".

By taking the assessment you will join 500,000+ people from more than 50 countries who are committed to making dramatic improvements in their performance, success and happiness.

Enter your details for FREE Assessment

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The Curse of Sisyphus

In the Greek story, Sisyphus is condemned to roll a heavy boulder up to the top of a mountain, only to have the boulder roll back down to the bottom every time he reaches the top.

Do you sometimes feel like Sisyphus? You have read books, attended self-improvement programs, made new year’s resolutions. But before you get lasting results – you are back to your old self? Just like Sisyphus – you cannot put the boulder over the mountain – it rolls back and you have to start all over again!

We are indeed being tortured and punished, just as Sisyphus was.

But here’s the catch! The torture is self-inflicted. The reason so many of our attempts at improving our success or happiness fizzle is that we sabotage ourselves. More precisely, our own minds sabotage us.

Validated by 500,000+ Participants

Our program is based on research with more than 500,000 participants from 50 countries, including CEOs, students, elite athletes, and sales, operations, and technology teams.

Companies using our approach


A brilliant breakthrough

The Positive Intelligence (PQ) model is a brilliant breakthrough as it defines, measures, and improves your awareness of your own performance and happiness. It also helps solve the mystery of why so many smart people still fail to be suImageccessful.

Jim Lanzone

Chief Digital Officer, CBS

Greatest happiness in years.

I am much calmer and have a greater sense of happiness than I have felt in years. I feel physically lighter, and my energy is higher. Sage is now present all of the time. I sleep better, eat better, exercise better.

Sandi Sandiland

Head of Global Sales P&D, Amazon

One of the very top experiences I’ve had.

I have found this to be one of the very top experiences I’ve had in the past 34 years with my company. The impact on me personally has been profound, and the business impact is evident

Bonnie Curtis

Former VP, Product Supply, P&G

Take the FREE assessment now and join 500,000+ people from more than 50 countries who are committed to making dramatic improvements in their performance, success and happiness.

Well being Performance/Success Family & Relationships
Reduce stress Focus on priorities Quality time with loved ones
Eat healthier Learn new skills Improve relationships
Exercise more Establish positive habits Listen more/be patient
Self-care/feel happier Career growth/own business Express gratitude

Any questions?

Send us a chat message or Schedule a 15 min video call.

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What is mental resilience and what are the benefits of developing it

What is mental resilience and what are the benefits of developing it

what is mental resilience. what are the benefits of developing it? Mental resilience is the ability to adapt & cope with challenges, setbacks, and stressors in a positive & effective way. ...more

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"Success Stories from the Positive Intelligence Program: How Real People Have Achieved Their Goals"

"Success Stories from the Positive Intelligence Program: How Real People Have Achieved Their Goals"

As a result of this program, Sara was able to transform her mindset and behavior, and achieve a greater sense of purpose, fulfillment, and success in both her personal and professional life. ...more

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Challenge Yourself to Be Better: Join Our 8-Week Mental Fitness Bootcamp Now

Challenge Yourself to Be Better: Join Our 8-Week Mental Fitness Bootcamp Now

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Hidden Ways You're Sabotaging Your Success and Happines

Hidden Ways You're Sabotaging Your Success and Happines

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